Tripito was founded in 2016. The philosophy of our travel agency is in the spirit of doing something more, something extra, something interesting. We wanted to attract people with the new destinations, which may be not as popular as other countries. So, they can have both interesting destination and reasonable prices. Based on the mentioned idea we offer trips to countries of the former Soviet Union, Jordan, and many others.
However, we in Tripitо team believe that Slovakia is, as well as many other countries, beautiful and interesting and it deserves the attention of tourists. Therefore, we also work as an incoming travel agency and we offer trips to Slovakia to foreign and Slovak tourists. It is possible that you happen to meet a Russian or an Australian who will know Slovak beer jam, our wines and Bratislava thanks to us. And if you meet a Slovak who said that he cooked kutabs in Baku, visited Stalin's birthplace, ate churchhelo and saw the first dog in space, maybe it was once again thanks to us.
We regularly expand our offer with interesting new destinations and attractions, which will open for you a whole new level of experience.
Five pillars
In our offers you will find mainly package tours, where we will provide you with a complete service and each of our offers includes:
Accommodation in our personally verified hotels with European standards
Guide in the required language
Admission to the monuments: this means that you do not have to pay extra for admission
Other services
Other services such as transfers, meals, and other various planned events so that you feel comfortable and leave with the most beautiful memories
Insolvency insurance
Insolvency insurance signed annually at the Union insurance company
Every client is important for us, every offer we prepare has an individual approach. In case of any special requirements, questions, etc. Do not hesitate to contact us:
Follow us to keep updated on what's new and what's hot.
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Technické úložisko alebo prístup, ktorý sa používa výlučne na štatistické účely.Technické úložisko alebo prístup, ktorý sa používa výlučne na anonymné štatistické účely. Bez predvolania, dobrovoľného plnenia zo strany vášho poskytovateľa internetových služieb alebo dodatočných záznamov od tretej strany, informácie uložené alebo získané len na tento účel sa zvyčajne nedajú použiť na vašu identifikáciu.
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